Sunday, October 11, 2020

One Piece Episode 945: "A Grudge Over Oshiruko - Luffy Gets into a Desperate Situation"

Queen attempts to attack Big Mom with a dive bomb attack, but she stops him with her hands. Queens transformation back into his human form after being beaten.

When Luffy asks Kid if he is alright, Kid replies that he does not need Luffy's pity. Caribou disabling communications inside the Prisoner Mines executive tower is shown. Babanuki being told that the oshiruko pot is empty. After Luffy reveals that he ate the oshiruko, the empty pot is thrown at him. Chopper fearing that Big Mom could have another craving illness.

Watch One Piece 945 Full Episode Below:

Saturday, October 3, 2020

One Piece Episode 944: "The Storm Has Come! A Raging Big Mom!"

After the skirmish inside the Flower Capital, Kin'emon confesses to Ashura Doji that he provoked Holdem into attacking Mt. Atama. When Ashura becomes angry, Kin'emon admits his mistake for trying to force Ashura to join the rebellion and once again begs him for his help.

After Chopper's group arrives at the Prisoner Mines, Big Mom breaks in. During her search for oshiruko, she gets into a fight with Queen.

Watch Full Video on the link Below: